
2020 Sponsorship Opportunities
The NSM Annual Seating Symposium is the perfect venue to promote your company’s brand and products to more than 450 NSM ATPs. To help further assist you in promoting your brand, below are some exclusive sponsorship opportunities to help you stand out from the rest!
Sponsorships are available on a first come, first serve basis. Don’t wait!
Contact Danielle Pirkle dpirkle@nsm-seating.com or call 423-400-6746
Breakfast Sponsorship $4,000
Get the attendees off to a great start — and get them thinking about your company first thing in the morning. Your company’s full-color logo will be prominently displayed on professionally produced signs near the food and beverage stations. Plus, your company will be recognized as the sponsor in a tweet sent out that morning. You also get 4 passes for your booth staff to attend the breakfast.
There are three available opportunities:

  • Friday, February 7 – this is the first kick off day! [SOLD]
  • Saturday, February 8 – served on the Event Lawn outside
  • Sunday, February 9 – last day to leave an impression- served on the Event Lawn outside
Break Sponsorship $2,000
Provide attendees with a well-deserved break between sessions. We’ll produce and prominently display signs with your full-color logo at several food and beverage stations in the Grand Oaks Foyer F-N. Plus, your company will be recognized as the sponsor in a tweet sent out right before the break
There are three available opportunities:

  • Friday, February 7 – Morning Break at 10:25am to 10:40am [SOLD]
  • Friday, February 7 – Afternoon Break at 2:50pm to 3:00pm [SOLD]
  • Sunday, February 9 – Morning Break at 10:40am to 10:55am
Lunch Sponsorship $5,000
All attendees look forward to lunch each day. It’s a wonderful time to catch up with co-workers and have a fabulous meal. Your company’s full-color logo will be prominently displayed on professionally produced signs near the food and beverage stations. Plus, your company will be recognized as the sponsor in a tweet sent out that afternoon. You also get 5 passes for your booth staff to attend the lunch.
There are two available opportunities:

  • Friday, February 7 – 12:40 pm to 1:20pm [SOLD]
  • Saturday, February 8 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Box Lunch Sponsorship $5,000
Just about every attendee will come to pick up and eat their box lunch on the last day. We’ll produce and prominently display a sign with your full-color logo by the buffet table. Plus, we’ll send an Attendify Message to all ATPS before lunch, in recognition and thanks for the sponsorship!

  • Sunday, February 9 – at 12:15pm

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